Change & Transformation

When change is constant,
transformation is critical.

For five decades we’ve helped business executives across industries meet new standards for competitive edge – by deliberate strategic direction and turning sustainable vision into successful transformation.

Mannaz experts
Transformation and change
Ditte Enevoldsen
Client Director
+45 6170 8230
Nicky Thompson
Client Director
+44 7751 512 151
Stuart Turnbull
Senior Vice President
+44 7789 546100
Sanna Turesson
Senior Consultant
+46 (0)76 3133321
Henrik Challis
Vice President
+46 707 12 72 07
Morten Flørnæss Kerrn-Jespersen
Client Director
+45 5139 6052
Henrik Schelde Andersen
Client Director
+45 2156 0156
Peter Wang Maarbjerg
Vice President
+45 2428 5973
Berit Urup Hankelbjerg
Client Director
+45 5139 6130
Berit Kristine Bøggild
Client Director
+45 2295 0151
Anna Rosdahl
Senior Consultant
+46 708 23 84 41
Peter Stensig
Senior Consultant
+45 3024 6404

How to transform organisations and create value

Today organisations must adapt to new technologies, dramatically changing premises for competition, and new work culture in younger generations – not to mention new demands from citizens and customers. We believe that these challenges can be an advantage.

Organisational transformations can offer several benefits when executed effectively. From becoming more agile to streamlining processes, from adopting new technologies to improving resource allocation, the advantages of continuously focusing on strategic transformation are many.

Culture eats strategy for breakfast

For the transformation to be successful, however, several steps need to be taken. The initial assessment of the opportunities is crucial to the lasting value creation. Setting ambitious targets and expectations that resonate with employees’ daily reality is of the essence. The real challenge comes when visionary aspiration meets everyday work life.

Here executive leaders need to ensure that practical goals are set and that everybody has a thorough understanding of what these mean to each person’s specific field of work. Dialogue and face-to-face communication are invaluable, and leaders across levels should prioritise communication and interaction with employees to get everybody on board and ensure buy-in across company cultures.

Accelerate implementation and make your strategy stick

There is a popular notion that once completed, organisational transformation will create lasting value. It is quite the other way around. Lasting value is created only when companies excel in constantly adapting to new challenges. Even after the initial transformation, leaders must implement transformation disciplines into everyday business processes to capture the full benefit of the transformation and avoid value loss.

Companies that recognise the importance of freeing up bandwidth and focusing all resources on the transformation process are better positioned to succeed and create long-term value.

Change & transformation insights
Sustainability Is your organisation implementing sustainability too slowly?

When tracking where organisations are in their sustainability transformation, we see organisations both succeeding and struggling. In this article, we have selected insights based on real life examples that can be of inspiration to other organisations. We share three examples and a transformation index.

Leaders & Teams Optimising team performance

How to benefit from creating a coaching culture, encouraging empowerment and supportive conversations at all levels of an organisation.

Leaders & Teams Inner Development Goals: Global Change Requires Personal Transformation

Change is hard…really hard. This is where Inner Development Goals come into focus. These goals describe the capabilities, qualities, and skills we need in order to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) created by the UN Member States in 2015. IDGs are intended to provide an essential framework of transformative skills for sustainable development.

Our Services

Co-piloting your change journey

Change is hard. The right partnership is essential for success.

We’ve got your back. Whether we provide project management, program management, consulting, sparring, or coaching, together we bring your change process to life. We tailor your solution to meet your needs. We’re never dogmatic, but always rational.


Process design, implementation, and ongoing support

We design the optimal process – you lead it.

Change starts in motion. Action is essential. Appearance, communication, and presence. Our experts advise on the optimal process steps – you complete them. We’re there, all the way home.

Management sparring and coaching

You have the answer yourself. Our coaching brings it out.

Coaching from Mannaz is your catalyst to accelerate your ambitions and activate your knowledge and experience best. You expand your horizons and think creatively and open-mindedly with a firm eye on the result.


Anchoring learning in the process

Every change includes learning, and makes us better.

To walk the road is to see it. Our eye for continuous learning adds an extra layer to your change processes and makes the process valuable.

Employee engagement

… is more than afternoon cake and birthday flags.

Everyone needs a meaning to the effort. Through a strong purpose, you awaken the desire to perform, and create unity and commitment.

We push the right buttons – with you.

Cultural change

Everything that no one sees, but knows anyway, knows and acts upon.

Culture is the kit that binds the organisation together. Culture is also a changeable entity that develops itself if you do not actively influence and care for it. When change occurs, culture must keep up. Together we make a plan for your active actions and execute them.


Change Management Courses and Programmes

Change is constant. Organisations adapt and change continuously. You lead it.

Training and teaching in change management gives you a head start, so you can better handle challenges as they arise. You will be equipped to stand comfortably downwind and navigate safely in complex stakeholder landscapes.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”
Albert Einstein

Meet your team

Our team of people has a broad, impressive background in specific subject areas, academic theory, and human behaviour.

Client Director
Senior Vice President
Client Director
Senior Consultant
Vice President

Discover Change & Transformation training and programmes


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The potential is people