Leaders & teams

Impactful Leaders.
Effective Teams.

Now, more than ever, leaders need to create the conditions for others to succeed by being human, making it safe for colleagues to bring their best, and coaching them to reach their full potential. Collaboration, within teams and across organisational boundaries, is vital and we help make it happen.

Mannaz experts
leaders & teams
Nathan Hobbs
Client Director
+44 203 119 1240
Dorte Spiegelhauer
Client Director
+45 5139 6062
Cecilia Fagerberg Wästfelt
Client Director
+46 735 22 29 82
Stuart Schofield
Client Director
+44 203 119 1240
Sanna Turesson
Senior Consultant
Anna Rosdahl
Senior Consultant
Peter Wang Maarbjerg
Vice President
Berit Kristine Bøggild
Client Director
+45 2295 0151
Henrik Challis
Vice President
+46 707 12 72 07
Magnus Ramdén
Senior Consultant
Molly Butler
Peter Stensig
Senior Consultant
Julie Ekner Koch
Head of Digital Learning and Leadership

Collective leadership successfully addresses modern business challenges

Leaders face novel challenges in today’s fast-changing landscape. Cutting across industries some key hurdles include building organisational resilience, fostering collaboration among colleagues, often working remotely – and ensuring team members feel heard, included, and valued.

There is huge potential in strengthening cross-functional cooperation, communication, knowledge sharing, and individual support to motivate people, minimise burnout and ultimately create success. We help leaders and teams work together using an agile and empathetic approach to overcome obstacles and achieve their full potential.


Great companies rely on leaders who can relate

Great teams are successful in developing relationships that ensure team members feel motivated, included, and safe. Prioritising time to build trust, opening up communication, and building on differences is key to creating harmonious ways of working while adapting to challenges and delivering business results.

Collective leadership capabilities and effective teamwork skills help move “What do you want me to do?” to “What is our collective goal?”.

Leaders & teams insight
Leaders & Teams Beware of your multitasking habits

Can you recognise having a never-ending to-do list? Our modern technology gives us many opportunities to engage with multiple tasks at any given moment. But how do our brains react to multitasking, and how can we use our cognitive resources most wisely?

Leaders & Teams The Future for the Biopharma Sector

The global life sciences market is anticipated to grow by nearly 8% over the next 6 years . In this context of market growth, product development for drugs, devices, analytics and digital health is facing exponential change. Next generation gene-related therapies are anticipated to take off at a blistering pace, blockbuster patents will expire, and artificial intelligence will radically shift the terrain yet further.

Leaders & Teams Sustainable High Performance

Over the past decades we have seen how a never-ending stream of new methods and technology has been introduced to help us handle our work, be more effective and save us time. Do you remember when email was introduced? It was supposed to save us so much time now that we didn’t have to send fax messages… We all know where that has led us.

Our services

Read more about how we can help and inspire you.

Leadership Development for specific talent groups

How to build an aligned and empowered organisation that gets things done.

Working with you to identify the development challenges that are relevant to your context, we build and implement bespoke solutions that enable leaders to make strategy happen and add value.

Collective leadership development

How to implement complex strategy challenges involving high levels of organisational interdependency.

Leaders seldom make stuff happen on their own. We work with you to build the collective leadership capabilities that leaders need to deliver results effectively across the matrix, navigating boundaries between countries, cultures, and ways of working.

Team development

Develop effective, high performing teams with clear goals, ways of working, and processes.

Equally happy to work with new team start-ups or diagnose dysfunctions in established teams, we build trust and create development processes that surface and resolve difficulties, creating an effective environment of support and challenge.

Self-managed teams

Innovate the way your organisation works to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Developed in partnership with Buurtzorg, these services will help you implement a self-managed team approach, following teal or holacracy principles.


Inner Development Goals (IDG)

IDG – Inner Development Goals as a framework tool for the development of future leadership skills.

Our inner skills such as presence, empathy, trust, and perspective taking, will influence how impactful our leadership is. Mannaz leverages the research-based Inner Development Goals framework to help organisations develop transformative skills in their leaders.

Read more about IDG.


See related topic Talent Development

“Every year, Mannaz support 850 people within leadership and team development
- around the globe”

Meet your team

Our team has a broad, impressive background in specific subject areas, academic theory, and human behaviour.

Senior Consultant
Senior Consultant
Senior Consultant

Nordic mindset.
Global footprint.

Sustainability is our commitment. We believe inclusion, diversity, psychological safety, and securing a sustainaben/consulting/leadership-development/le green future are key drivers for business operations that are financially sound and fit for the future.

Our approach to sustainability

Mannaz is rated to be among the top 25 % sustainable businesses in our sector.

Ecovadis ratingWe support un global compact

Nordic mindset. Global footprint.

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The potential is people