In an ever-changing business environment, we need full value from our strategic projects to stay competitive
In an environment of increasing speed and competition in a globalised market, organisations cannot afford not to reap the full value of their projects. Many companies experience too little value creation from initiated projects. Investment and realised benefits do not match. Either because they have not invested in the right projects or because the investment is eroded by fragmented efforts and management. Either way, it puts pressure on both economic and human resources.
Bring tools, governance, competencies, and culture together to succeed in portfolio management
In Mannaz, we enable organisations to realise the benefits and strategic anchoring of their projects. We work with both existing and future governance structures and often with a maturity assessment as the starting point.
It is core to uncover the reasons behind why the projects do not deliver the desired benefits and point out the most important development areas. Based on this, we identify the needed development activities together with your leaders. In most cases, we see a need for a combined effort focusing on strategic portfolio management as well as the everyday operational practice in the projects
We design for impact and implement together with the organisation to create long-term benefit realisation.
In Mannaz, we enable and facilitate impact. This means that everything we do aims to create real improvements and long-term value. We integrate leadership and organisational development and the appropriate governance model with the tools and competencies needed to ensure success with strategic projects.