Per Krull

Per Krull

Senior Consultant
+45 2330 0715

Per primarily offers expertise in:

  • Process facilitation

I develop organizations that wish to improve and transform. I inspire leaders and employees to reach the next level in management, collaboration, ethics, and results. With more than 20 years of experience, I have assisted over 150 organizations and their leaders in shaping the desired future. I work intensively and actively create trusting environments that motivate people to open up and support each other.

I possess a unique ability to read and understand relationships, psychological dynamics, and organizational complexity. Based on thorough analyses of the organization’s needs and desires, I facilitate various types of processes using methods from my extensive toolkit as a process consultant. The training of participants in my workshops takes place on the floor in role-play-like scenarios with observers and feedback, following the principle: ‘You don’t learn to swim by sitting on the shore and talking about it.’ With a Ph.D. in leadership and design thinking, I have substantial methodological, analytical, and theoretical knowledge of change, research, and innovation. I apply methods from design thinking aimed at developing solutions for complex and intricate problems.

“I love to bring people into the space where they dare to open up and be themselves. In this safe space, it is possible to develop together with others and succeed with the desired change.”
Per Krull
Per Krulls upcoming sessions
24. feb - 28. mar 2025
17. mar - 11. apr 2025
18. mar - 16. sep 2025
Mannaz A/S, København K
13. may - 14. may 2025
Psykologisk tryghed
Mannaz A/S, København K
2. jun - 18. jun 2025
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