Kari Johannsen

Kari Johannsen

Senior Consultant
+45 51396002


I have a grounded expertise in the design and delivery of leadership and capability development programmes, as well as culture and behaviour change programmes and transformations.

I bring significant international experience to Mannaz, having worked with organisations across the UK, US, Africa and Australia, and across multiple sectors including Finance, Sport, Energy, Technology and Government.

I am known for my client-centric approach, and bring a creative and playful mind to programme design and facilitation. More broadly, I am driven by the mission of helping leaders at all levels to build and sustain a dynamic and thriving workforce by capitalising impactful behaviours and leadership capabilities.

Areas of competence
  • Voksen udvikling
  • Adfærdsdesign
  • Coaching
  • Tværkulturelt samarbejde
  • Følelsesmæssig intelligens
  • Lederudviklingsprogrammer
  • See more 6
“When we experience the world as ‘too complex’ we are not just experiencing the complexity of the world. We are experiencing a mismatch between the world’s complexity and our own at this moment. There are only two logical ways to mend this mismatch – reduce the world’s complexity or increase our own.”
Kari Johannsen
The potential is people