Karen Liv Arnbjørn Hansen

Karen Liv Arnbjørn Hansen

Associated Consultant

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Karen primarily offers expertise in:

  • Sustainability
  • Digital learning & Learning academies
  • Leaders & Teams
  • Coaching & Assessment
  • Process facilitation
  • Change & Transformation

Karen Liv Hansen teaches visual rhetorics and Graphic Facilitation. She teaches leaders, NGOs and communicators how to create effective visual tools to improve meetings, projects, processes and coach.

Graphic facilitation is effective in visualizing a strategy, streamlining and creating an overview of complex workflows in processes.
Her area of expertise is helps clients create a common ground and visual language. A visual message and the combination of both words an image – is easier understood and remembered.
She has clients in advertising, leaders how wish to innovate and change the way they lead, through visual tools and communication skills. She help businesses integrate PowerPoint, Prezi and other media, with the use of the visual aspect – and projects and processes give a clear overview of the participants, their roles and collaborations.
Visual communication is proven effective in enhancing aspects of collaboration, understanding and keeping the focus on the end goal and targets.

Areas of competence
  • Entrepeneurship & Innovation
  • Graphic Design & Facilitation
  • Graphic Facilitation
  • Workshop Facilitation
  • Co-creation
  • Change Leadership
  • Coaching
  • Communication and teamwork
  • Design Thinking
  • Group process facilitation
  • Nudging
  • Mindfulness
  • Proces- og mødefacilitering
  • Proceskonsultation
  • Virtual Facilitation
  • See more 15
  • Creative Writing
  • Pædagogik
  • Coaching og Ledelse
  • Kommunikation
  • See more 4
  • Process consultant, Mannaz
Karen Liv Arnbjørn Hansens upcoming sessions
15. jan - 17. jun 2025
Mannaz A/S, København K
5. feb - 14. mar 2025
Lederen som facilitator af innovation og forandring
Horisont Hotel & konference, Aarhus N
3. mar - 28. mar 2025
18. mar - 16. sep 2025
Mannaz A/S, København K
3. apr - 4. apr 2025
Grafisk facilitering
Mannaz A/S, København K
Get inspired by articles about Sustainability
Procesfacilitering Grafisk facilitering: Når ord og billeder forandrer måden, vi arbejder på

En helt ny verden åbner sig, når man bruger billeder til at skabe forståelse. Hjernen lagrer alt det vigtigste i billeder, og billeder styrker derfor vores hukommelse. Med billeder kan vi begribe mere og tilmed begribe det samme. Dermed giver billeder os et fælles udgangspunkt for handling.

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The potential is people