Amalie Eide

Amalie Eide

Brand & Campaign Manager
+45 2447 0711

Get inspired by articles about
Change & Transformation The (Christmas) Secret to
Successful Transformation

It’s that time of year. Where budgets must be settled, last year’s predictions must be checked in relation to reality, and the strategy must be dusted off. Did we achieve what we wanted – or did we not? And what will it take for us to reach our goals next year? This article gives you the answer to that.

Forandringsledelse & Transformation Julehemmeligheden til en
succesfuld transformation

Det er den tid på året. Hvor budgetterne skal gøre op. Sidste års forudsigelser skal sammenholdes med virkeligheden, og strategien skal støves af. Nåede vi det, vi ville – eller gjorde vi ikke? Og hvad skal der til for, at vi når vores målsætninger næste år? Det giver denne artikel dig svar på.

Project management & Agile practices Are Your Projects Adapted
to a Changing World?

More volatile markets, shorter product lifecycles, a greater focus on employees, sustainability, and tolerance—all these factors make company projects more vulnerable to shifts in expectations and execution conditions. Consequently, project culture, leadership, and organisation must reflect these dynamics, which is where PMI’s new PMBOK 7th Edition can play a vital role.

The potential is people