Nathan Hobbs

Nathan Hobbs

Client Director
+44 203 119 1240

Nathan is primarily a consultant within Leaders & Teams, Strategy & Organisational development and Clients and cases.


I draw on 25 years of professional practice as an organisational psychologist, and have over the years consulted in the areas of talent management, leadership and organisation development.

I reference a wide mix of disciplines and past experiences in my approach, working closely with clients to create impactful solutions that integrate the business agenda with leaders’ development needs. I was a practice leader and team manager with two rival firms prior to joining Mannaz, and in addition to that I have held corporate positions as a change consultant and sales coach.

Clients appreciate me for being an engaging and pragmatic facilitator who identifies strongly with their mission. I work at senior levels and with challenging specialist populations. As a consultant and coach, I have a tenacity for helping executives define and develop the capabilities they need to accomplish their individual, team and organisation goals.

Areas of competence
  • 360 Feedback
  • Action Learning / Research
  • Change management
  • Coaching Executive
  • Communication
  • Conflict handling
  • Culture
  • Design
  • Entrepeneurship & Innovation
  • Group Dynamics
  • Leadership Development & Training
  • Management
  • Mergers
  • Organisational development
  • Performance management
  • Talent management
  • Team development
  • Train the trainer
  • See more 18
  • 16PF
  • California Psychological Inventory (CPI)
  • FIRO-B
  • GPI
  • Hogan (HPI)
  • MBTI® Step 1
  • OPQ32 (SHL)
  • Profilor®
  • Revised NEO-Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R)
  • Team Management Systems (TMI)
  • Thomas Kilmann Instrument (TKI)
  • See more 11
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