Anne Mikkelsen

Anne Mikkelsen

Junior Consultant

My education and career have given me the great privilege of working and studying in multiple countries including the US, Ireland, Denmark, and the UK and I have worked within both the private sector and public sector. I believe having an international and cross-sectoral outlook is key when working on the shared global challenges of today.

At the core of my work lies my passion for helping organisations accelerate their sustainability journey. To realise their potential to have a positive impact on people and the planet while being profitable.

I choose to approach each project with optimism and curiosity.

Areas of competence
  • Leading sustainability
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Sustainable Leadership
  • See more 3
“"Profits should come not from creating the world's problems, but from solving them." - Paul Polman, Former CEO of Unilever ”
Anne Mikkelsen
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The potential is people