Anna Rosdahl

Anna Rosdahl

Senior Consultant


Anna is primarily a consultant within Leaders & Teams, Clients and cases, Coaching & Assessment, Process facilitation, Public management & Organisational development, Change & Transformation, Strategy & Organisational development, Diversity andEquity and Inclusion.


I have extensive experience as a leadership consultant driving development and change processes at both the individual and organizational level. With a strategic and holistic view of leadership and organization, I contribute to a belief in the inherent potential of people and organizations where the starting point and innovation is necessary to achieve the necessary result.
As a consultant, I work with leadership development at both individual and group level, conflict management, team development, cultural change, organizational development and change management.
Fundamental perspectives for me are co-creation, meaningful conversations, presence and connection, holistic perspective and navigation in complexity. One of my favorite expressions is “never either/or but both/and”.
I also have deep experience working as a therapist. From there I draw knowledge about neuroscience, mindfulness and the importance of emotions in interaction and decision making.

  • Faraz 360
  • Group Development Questionnaire (GDQ)
  • Hogan (HPI)
  • Master Management Personlighetsanalys
  • PAPI Assessment
  • See more 5
“”If you want to build a ship, you don´t drum the men to go to the forest to gather wood, saw it and nail the planks together. Instead you teach them the desire for the sea.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry ”
Anna Rosdahl
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