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Projektledelse & Agile principper Kommunikation er (stadig) vejen til succesfulde projekter

Succesfulde projekter starter og slutter med kommunikation. Det kan virke som en simpel sandhed – alligevel undervurderer eller ligefrem glemmer mange projektledere stadig kommunikationen i kampens hede. I denne artikel guider vi dig til at få styr på kommunikationen.

Leaders & Teams Ramboll: We are partners on a global scale with a shared vision of a sustainable future

In 2022, Ramboll and Mannaz entered a close partnership based on the goal of developing global leaders of the future, focusing on the delivery model of scalability, sustainability and speed as well as strengthening each other’s organizations. Because when you enter a partnership, the communication is two-way, and the goal is long-term.

Leaders & Teams Attention training – improving our ability to be present and focused

Have you experienced your mind wandering off to other things as you are trying to focus on an important task? Don’t worry, you are not alone. Research shows that about half of the time, people are thinking about something other than what they are doing. Are there ways to train our minds to be more present and focused?

The potential is people