Jesper Vej

Jesper Vej

Associated Consultant
Erfaring og baggrund

Jesper is an associate of Mannaz. He has a broad background from as well large corporations (Maersk) as smaller IT-startups (DTM a.o.). He has worked with Sales and Marketing, as well as managed large CRM-implementations in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Germany.

After having been in various companies, created his own consultancy company, where the idea is to arrange seminars, courses and implement operational elements within the fields of Innovation, Creativity and Marketing. Jesper also joined Mannaz as an associate and has been so since 2003.

In addition has worked as an external lecturer at CBS, DTU and Universidad de Navarra in Pamplona, teaching the subjects Innovation, Creativity, Marketing, Branding and Sustainability.

  • Communication
  • Entrepeneurship & Innovation
  • Marketing
  • Sales & Bid Management
  • Vis alle 4
  • Virksomhed, Sprog og Kultur
Jesper Vejs kommende kurser
5. maj - 6. maj 2025
22. maj - 23. maj 2025
Innovation med impact
Mannaz A/S, København K
25. aug - 26. aug 2025
28. aug - 29. aug 2025
Innovation med impact
Mannaz A/S, København K
6. nov - 7. nov 2025
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