Jan Pries-Heje

Jan Pries-Heje

Associated Consultant

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4466 4463

Erfaring og baggrund

Jan Pries-Heje has more than 25 years of experience working as Project and Research manager for research in IT and innovation. The most prominent project was a 3-year 60 million DKK Innovation Consortium where the ImprovAbility model was developed. That model later became the ISO 33014 standard for process improvement. He has also been responsible for projects on maturity, outsourcing, and currently a EU-financed project on sustainable digitalization; “How to make Danish and German households use electricity as the wind blows”. For 20+ years he has worked with agile projects, design and development. Recently he published the book “Agile projekter”.

Jan Pries-heje has also taught courses for Mannaz since 1997 mainly in project management

  • Agile Project Methods
  • Contract management
  • Needs/analysis diagnostic
  • Portfolio Management
  • Programme Management
  • Project Academy
  • Project Governance
  • Project Leadership Training
  • Project Management IT
  • Project Management Training
  • Project Maturity
  • Risk management
  • Strategy Execution
  • Vis alle 13
Jan Pries-Hejes kommende kurser
18. sep - 20. sep 2024
Digital projektledelse 1
Mannaz A/S, København K
22. okt - 24. okt 2024
Digital projektledelse 2
Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center, København V
31. okt - 1. nov 2024
Agil projektledelse
Mannaz A/S, København K
20. nov - 22. nov 2024
Digital projektledelse 3
Comwell Copenhagen Portside, Nordhavn
2. dec - 4. dec 2024
Digital projektledelse 1
Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center, København V
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Bliv inspireret af artikler om
Projektledelse & Agile principper Kompleksitet og størrelse udelukker ikke agil projektledelse Læs artiklen
The potential is people