Sanna Turesson

Sanna Turesson

Senior Consultant


Sanna is primarily a consultant within Leaders & Teams, Change & Transformation, Digital learning & Learning academies, Coaching & Assessment, Process facilitation and Sustainability.


I am contributing to a more sustainable, creative and inclusive world through design and facilitation of learning processes -online, blended or physically. I do leadership-, competence- and group development. EMCC coach and GDQ certified. Leadership experience as a Manager Director. Entrepreneur mindset and have started and built an own company.

I am driven by being a part of a larger whole whose vision, values and strategy I truly believe in, contributing with design and facilitation of learning journeys, competence development and trainings. Always with awareness of the participants and delivery methods/tools.

I have a broad competence in the L&D field working with coaching, leadership development, design and facilitation, remote or physically. Result oriented with a high awareness of what a good and involving process can enable.

I am happy to cooperate (in a mix of Swedish, English, Danish) so that we really can reach our important ambitions together.

Areas of competence
  • Coaching
  • Conflict handling
  • Design of training/learning
  • Design Thinking
  • Facilitation
  • Forumplay
  • Leadership Development Programs
  • Process design & facilitation
  • Program and Process Design
  • Systemic Thinking
  • Team Development
  • Training in Process Facilitation
  • See more 12
  • Certified Coach - Senior Practitioner (EMCC)
  • ChangeSetter
  • Group Development Questionnaire (GDQ)
  • PAPI Assessment
  • Process consultant, Mannaz
  • Virtual Facilitator Certified
  • Wallbreakers - Change management simulation
  • See more 7
“Vulnerability in the face of constant change is what we share as humans, regardless of our current condition. Sharon Salzberg ”
Sanna Turesson
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