Nanna Svart

Nanna Svart


Hello there!

I am an organisational psychologist, coach and facilitator who quite enjoy the wonders of neuropsychology, where I have published and part-taken in a few research pieces. I strive to integrate insights from organizational and neuropsychology in my approach, to shed light on complex organisational systems, patterns in leadership – and human behaviour in general.

More specifically, I spend my days engaging in leadership development (particularly new leaders and line-managers), coaching, process facilitation as well as data-based organizational development. This could be assisting an organization in collecting their own data to inform a strategy process. For concrete subject matter expertise, I will highlight knowledge on 1) leading employee well being in hybrid work places, 2) using neuropsychology in organizational development and 3) designing data-collection for strategic design making.

Industrywise, I have experience working with (and for some within) organisations in the field of e.g. research/health care, public sector, NGOs, transportation, scale-ups, creative industries, trade unions and tech companies.

Areas of competence
  • 360 Feedback
  • Adult Development
  • Coaching
  • Counseling
  • Data analysis: qualitative and quantitative methods
  • Distance Leadership
  • Leadership Development & Training
  • Leadership Team Development
  • Organisational Development
  • Recruiting
  • Research, evaluation and feedback
  • Survey construction
  • Virtual Teams
  • Workshop Facilitation
  • See more 14
  • EMCC coach certificeret (European Mentoring and Coaching Council)- lastest profiency level - EIA - The Coaching Centre
  • Leadership Versatility Index (LVI)
  • Train The Trainer by CISV International
  • See more 3
“Outside of work, you might find me out hiking, hanging on a bouldering wall, doing acroyoga (a form of acrobatics) or hanging out in my collective.”
Nanna Svart
Nanna Svarts upcoming sessions
20. aug - 26. sep 2024
Det uformelle lederskab
Bella Sky, København S
10. sep - 4. oct 2024
Informal Leadership
Bella Sky, København S
5. nov - 5. dec 2024
Informal Leadership
Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center, København V
3. dec 2024 - 8. jan 2025
Det uformelle lederskab
Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center, København V
24. feb - 31. mar 2025
Informal Leadership
Mannaz A/S, København K
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