Aalborg University

Aalborg University strengthened their virtual facilitation

Get insight into our work with Aalborg University, and get inspired to create greater success in your organisation.

Aalborg University

The challenge

At Aalborg University (AAU), there is a success criterion for leading virtual meetings, group sessions, or teaching remotely. In continuation of the Corona pandemic’s first work-from-home period, the need to strengthen the professional profile as good facilitators was reinforced. Aalborg University therefore turned to Mannaz for help in meeting this highly topical need.

“We have experienced a really good collaboration with Nanna Tolborg from Mannaz. She is particularly concerned with creating flexible solutions to the current challenges we were experiencing in our organisation. Nanna had a keen eye for the specific organisational conditions at our workplace.”
Tine Bjørka, Development Consultant at Aalborg University

The solution

In close collaboration with Mannaz, AAU Competence Development developed an intensive and practical course dealing with virtual and meeting facilitation.

The target group ranges from knowledge workers and lecturers to technical-administrative staff and consultants across all AAU departments and geographical locations.

During the course, many participants work with the technical possibilities and limitations of virtual facilitation, to use a palette of simple and complex processes, and create a connection between purpose and benefit for facilitation and/or meetings.

Read more about the process

Mannaz and AAU’s course consists of 2 virtual modules of 3 hours duration. The course contains some of the tools from the facilitation toolbox that are particularly useful for overcoming the barriers that arise when we move in-person meetings to virtual spaces.

For example, a preparation model with 4 dimensions was developed creating a connection between purpose, people, technology, and processes. It is absolutely central that the participants both see and try out different means of action in the virtual space. PowerPoint slides, flipcharts, various platforms, and apps such as Mentimeter and Slido are therefore used.

In the two virtual modules, the participants acquire skills and gain insight into the following:

  • Barriers in the virtual space and what is particularly important when facilitating virtually.
  • Rules of the game and how to create security and trust in the virtual space.
  • Concrete process approaches and inspiration for the use of technical elements that ensure the best framework for virtual processes.
  • How to prepare, implement, and plan processes so that they match the purpose and the desired result.
  • How to create effective participant involvement and commitment in the virtual space.
  • Question techniques, conversation management, and dialogic techniques and templates that retain the participants and ensure quality in the meetings.
  • Role understanding and game mastering.

Mannaz’ senior consultant Nanna Tolborg has overseen the development and execution of the current 7 teams in close collaboration with specialist consultant Tine Bjørka from AAU Competence Development.

Get an overview of the program

Program for courses in virtual facilitation by Mannaz and AAU Competence Development

Mannaz og Aalborg Universitet

Click on the image to view full size.

The result

A large number of employees from Aalborg University have now been trained to use virtual techniques effectively and create participant involvement.

The employees have been given simple tools and process controls to plan, carry out, and post-process online activities. An increased awareness of habits and practices for virtual meetings and training has been created.

Aalborg University has improved its meeting culture across faculties and geographical locations both at home and abroad. The facilitator has ensured an improved meeting culture and the virtual meeting process has achieved various goals – whether it is decisions to be made, progress in project groups to be ensured, learning to be achieved, or team collaboration to be developed.

“Good temporal shifts and exciting, relevant topics that meet my needs right now!”

Aalborg University is very satisfied with the collaboration

On a scale from 1-5, the participants rated course relevance at 4.7 as a whole. In the course evaluations, participants highly valued the facilitator’s skill and competency. The content and course in general was valued for its practical, concrete tools and involving processes.

Quotes from the participants
”It was both inspiring and engaging that our teacher used the tools and techniques that we have to use ourselves, so that we have tried on our own body how they work.”
”There was a focus on the practical and many concrete ideas.”
”I have rediscovered what it is that is important when you have to teach someone something.”

Want to know more?

If you would like to know more about the case or find out how we can help strengthen your company’s virtual facilitation skills, then please feel free to contact:

Nanna Gry Tolborg
Senior Consultant

+45 6178 2404

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